Sarro Associates believes projects benefit when the design team includes a member who is focused on preparing quality specifications. Sarro Associates has competitive rates that make outsourcing project specifications cost-efficient and allows the client’s in-house staff to spend time on other higher-value tasks.  Value is added by getting a new set of eyes on the project documents.

Sarro Associates, Inc. manages, prepares and provides quality control review of construction specifications for civil engineering improvement projects. 

To foster communication across a multi-discipline design team, Sarro Associates will develop and share an annotated bid list showing how each bid item is named, paid, quantified and addressed in the project specifications.  In addition to the annotated bid list, Sarro Associates delivers red-lined plans identifying where bid item naming, definition, pay limits or other bid item agreement issues must be addressed. 

In addition to technical specifications, Sarro Associates can deliver specification sections addressing environmental commitments and permit requirements.