
Boronda Road Congestion Relief Project Phase 1(Wallace Group/City of Salinas)Prepared Caltrans construction specifications for a roundabout at Boronda Road and McKinnon Street in the City of Salinas.

Lake Merritt to Bay Trail Connection Project (SGA/Moffatt-Nichol/City of Oakland)Prepared draft Caltrans construction specifications for an 1100-foot steel multi-use trail bridge over Lake Merritt Channel in downtown Oakland.

Spruce and Commercial Avenues Intersection Improvements Project (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./City of South San Francisco): Prepared Caltrans construction specifications for federally-funded traffic signal and curb ramp improvements in downtown South San Francisco.

San Bruno Canal Bridge Replacement (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./City of South San Francisco):  Caltrans 2010-style construction specification for federally-funded replacement of Airport Boulevard bridge over San Bruno Canal.  This project won Public Works Project of the Year Award for APWA Silicon Valley Chapter; CMAA Northern California 2019 Transportation <$20M Project Achievement Award; and CMAA National 2019 Transportation <$10M Project Achievement Award

Las Positas and Modoc Roads Multi-Use Path Project (RRM/City of Santa Barbara)Performed quality control review of project plans and specifications for four miles of Class I multi-use path adjacent to Las Positas and Modoc Roads in the City of Santa Barbara.  Project included paving, drainage modifications, retaining walls, signing and striping, signals and lighting.

North Access Road Pedestrian and Bike Improvement Project (ActiveWayz/DKS/City of South San Francisco): Prepared Caltrans-format specifications for multi-use path connecting the Bay Trail to Airport Boulevard in the City of South San Francisco. Project included paving, drainage modifications, signing and striping.

Linden Avenue and Spruce Avenue Traffic Calming Improvements (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./City of South San Francisco): Caltrans construction specifications for federally-funded complete-streets and biofiltration planting improvements in downtown South San Francisco.

Larkspur Multi-use Path (SGA/Moffatt-Nichol/TAM):  Prepared Caltrans constructions specifications for decorative lighting, railings and landscape amenities for bike path adjacent to SR 101 in the City of Larkspur.

Santa Cruz Rail Trail, Segment 7 (RRM/City of Santa Cruz):  Caltrans construction specifications for federally-funded multi-use trail adjacent to the southern boundary of existing railroad tracks between Natural Bridges Drive and the pier in the City of Santa Cruz.  Project includes lighting, a pre-engineered pedestrian bridge and soldier pile retaining walls.

Traffic Improvements at Lincoln Centre Drive and East 3rd Avenue (Traffic Patterns/City of Foster City):  CSI format construction specifications for signals, lighting and ramps.  Proposal and Contract preparation and project-specific front-end editing.

Caltrain Grade Crossing Improvements 2017 Section 130 Program (Traffic Patterns/City of Redwood City):  CSI format construction specifications for signals, lighting, sidewalks, bulbouts, and ramps at Caltrain grade crossings.

Grand Boulevard Initiative Project (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./City of South San Francisco):  Caltrans construction specifications for federally-funded complete-streets and biofiltration planting improvements on State Route 82 (El Camino Real) between McLellan Drive and Westborough Boulevard.

State Route 237 Express Lanes Project (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./ Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority):  Caltrans  construction specifications for installation of toll lane signage and infrastructure on State Route 237 from US 101 in Sunnyvale to east of Zanker Road in San Jose.

West Broadway Urban Village Infrastructure Improvement Project (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./City of Seaside):  Caltrans construction specifications for federally-funded streetscape and stormwater management improvements on West Broadway.

Safe Routes to School (CSG Consultants/City of San Mateo):  Bid list and Caltrans construction specifications for a project that combined designs developed by four consultants at 26 locations.

HSIP Projects for Watsonville Road, Stevens Canyon Road, Clayton Road, and Uvas Road (NV5/ Santa Clara County Roads and Airports Department):  Special provisions for federally-funded shoulder widening in County format.

Broadway Improvement Project (Traffic Patterns/City of Redwood City): Civil sections of CSI-format construction specifications for median island demolition, paving, slurry seal, signing and striping.

Poplar Corridor Safety Improvement Project (Mark Thomas & Co., Inc./City of San Mateo): Caltrans 2010-style construction specifications for Poplar Avenue/SR 101 off-ramp widening, planted bulbouts, and street lighting along Poplar Avenue and Humboldt Street; QC of landscape specifications. Draft new Sections 1-9 to customize Caltrans front-end for City of San Mateo procedures.

Permanente Creek Flood Protection-Rancho San Antonio County Park and McKelvey Park sites (NV5/HMM/Santa Clara Valley Water District): Preparation and coordination of SCVWD-format construction specifications for new flood protection improvements, parking lots, utilities, trails and roads. QC of landscape and architectural specifications.

East Campbell Avenue Portals Project (City of Campbell):  Quality Control review/ Specifications analysis of Caltrans 100% specifications (by others) for federally-funded modification to Route 17 UC at East Campbell Avenue; draft new Sections 1-9 to customize Caltrans 2010 front-end for City of Campbell procedures.